All 12 Step Online meetings are listed in Eastern Daylight Time
Click here for AA meeting materials.

Description: The Sanest Hour of the Day meeting is for those in all stages of recovery from narcotics.
Meeting Chair: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: Davis
Meeting Type: This is a closed NA meeting. For alcoholics and addicts only
Meeting Rules: Click Here
Click HERE to join the meeting.
NA Resources:
NA Helpline and Meeting search
Free pdf files:
An Introduction To NA Meetings
Description: The Primary Purpose Group meeting is for those in all stages of recovery from alcohol.
Meeting Type: This is a closed meeting.
Chairperson: Monday: Deb, Tuesday: : TBD, Wednesday: TBD, Thursday: TBD, Friday: Michele , Saturday: TBD, Sunday: TBD (to be determined)
Opening Literature: Click Here
Meeting Rules: Click Here
Click HERE to join the meeting.

Description: The Friday Late Night Jamboree meeting is for those in all stages of recovery from alcohol.
Meeting Type: This is a closed meeting.
Chairperson: TBD
Opening Literature: Click Here
Meeting Rules: Click Here
Click HERE to join the meeting.
All 12 Step Online meetings are listed in Eastern Daylight Time
Click here for AA meeting materials.

Description: The Night Owls Group meeting is for those in all stages of recovery from alcohol.
Meeting Type: This is a closed meeting.
Chairperson:Â To Be Determined
Opening Literature: Click Here
Meeting Rules: Click Here
Click HERE to join the meeting.

Description: The Early Bird meeting is for those in all stages of recovery from alcohol.
Meeting Type: This is a closed meeting.
Chairperson: Mon – TBD, Tues/Wed – Pat A, Thurs/Sat -Deb, Fri – Martine, Sun – Trevlyn
Opening Literature: Click Here
Meeting Rules: Click Here
Click HERE to join the meeting.
Description: This is an open meeting. You do not have to be a Christian or an alcoholic to attend. All are welcome. The meeting will be held in the Christian Room.
Chairpersons:Â Jim on Saturday; Shellie and Evelyn on Wednesday
Meeting Rules: Please read the introductory postings and do not interrupt people who are trying to share. If you have a comment for someone in particular, including the chairperson, please do it in a private message instead of the big room.
Description: The Primary Purpose Group meeting is for those in all stages of recovery from alcohol.
Meeting Type: This is a closed meeting.
Chairperson: Monday: Deb, Tuesday: : TBD, Wednesday: TBD, Thursday: TBD, Friday: Michele , Saturday: TBD, Sunday: TBD (to be determined)
Opening Literature: Click Here
Meeting Rules: Click Here
Click HERE to join the meeting.

Description: The Saturday Nite Sober Soiree meeting is for those in all stages of recovery from alcohol.
Meeting Type: This is a closed meeting.
Chairperson: TBD (anyone can volunteer, bot will provide template)
Opening Literature: Click Here
Meeting Rules: Click Here
Click HERE to join the meeting.