• Angelo G posted a new activity comment 8 years, 5 months ago

    Guess that’s why we are here ! Thanks for writing SKP ! How are you doing ? It’s will be 5 weeks for me this thursday ! I’m feeling pretty good ! Taking one day at a time though !

  • Well, regret is basically defined as feeling sorry and or guilty and frustrated about the past. Regretting the past would be my only recourse if i believed that all of the people i hurt was due to a simple lack of willpower … THIS..is where the fault lies. But this wreckage isnt just when drunk..the ‘disease’ is present even when theres no…[Read more]

  • I recall distinctly, after going out on another binge, my wife and in-laws asking me, “I don’t understand, when your life and family and all you love is on the line, why you CHOOSE to drink.” The truth is, I didn’t understand it either. It was unexplainable. I had been in the program of AA for over a decade, with several long stretches of…[Read more]

  • The 9th step promises DO come true. “We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it.” Nobody came to AA on a winning streak. Our past is our past. I am grateful for the hand of AA for helping me to learn more about myself in recovery than I ever knew about myself before recovery.

  • I thought everything was gone away from me at one point of time because the heavy drugs I’d was doing but God put me through it

  • My ego has gotten me into a lot of trouble throughout my life. Its said that most alcoholics, myself included, are egomaniacs with an inferiority complex. How true that statement is.

    Ever since I can remember, I just wanted to be liked. I wanted to be accepted. I wanted to have what other people had. So everything I did, I did for me. Rarely did…[Read more]

  • I thought this would be a good topic because it wasn’t until I understood the reason why I was a chronic relapser that i was able to identify and come to terms with the defects that were hidden but killing me from the inside out.  I also came to believe in the spirit.

  • Today’s Hazeldon “Thought for the Day” was thought provoking. What are your thoughts?

    We’re in A.A. for two main reasons: to keep sober ourselves and to help others to keep sober. It’s a well-known fact that helping others is a big part of keeping sober yourself. It’s also been proved that it’s very hard to keep sober all by yourself. A lot of…

    [Read more]

  • brad started the topic Men Only in the forum Group logo of Men in Recovery GroupMen in Recovery 8 years, 11 months ago

    This group is for men only, please. It is important in recovery that people work with others in the same sex. This group forum and discussion should be just that – a place for men in recovery to fellowship with other men in recovery.

Angelo G

Profile picture of Angelo G


active 8 years, 3 months ago