• Image of my husband being blackout drunk, punching me in the face and getting accused of being an alcoholic aka guilt by association by cps. I never saw anybody like that. I never want to be that person. Seeing the ugly side keeps me from even thinking about it. I havent had any beer in 33 days. I only drank beer. I had 3.5 in 4 hours the night he…[Read more]

  • Image of my husband being blackout drunk, punching me in the face and getting accused of being an alcoholic aka guilt by association. I never saw anybody like that. I never want to be that person. Seeing the ugly side keeps me from even thinking about it. I havent had any beer in 33 days. I only drank beer. I had 3.5 in 4 hours the night he hit…[Read more]

  • You have to forgive yourself and forgive them.  Yes i know thats not easy. Its damn hard but you have to find a way to. Also dont let people drag you back to that place. You gotta cut ties to people too. If people cant let you live it down then they are toxic and part of why your still in that place. Good people support you thru things not drag you back

  • CD posted a new activity comment 8 years, 2 months ago

    Hmm sounds like we are in a similiar boat. I am here well you can read mine. I am trying to satisfy cps demand

  • CD posted an update in the group Group logo of Women in Recovery GroupWomen in Recovery 8 years, 2 months ago

    Well. I haven’t had a beer in 33 days. Haven’t wanted to. My husband punched me in the face and cps is involved and because i drank 3.5 beers in 4 hours while watching the world series I was accused of abusing alcohol. My husband had 9 beers in 4 hours. Got sent to a group and it was determined I didn’t drink enough or often enough to be there.…[Read more]

    • Hey there. A good place to check out would be intherooms.com. They have Al Anon and Codependents Anonymous meetings. That should be good for CPS. CPS sucks. Sometimes you wonder if they’re for the kids or not. I’m an alcoholic but it was my codependency that led me to a complete nervous and mental breakdown.

  • CD became a registered member 8 years, 2 months ago


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active 8 years, 2 months ago