• Jean‘s profile was updated 7 years, 8 months ago

  • Jean posted a new activity comment 7 years, 8 months ago

    One day at a time Elaine xxx

  • Jean posted a new activity comment 7 years, 8 months ago

    My daughters cause drama too. I have sat them down and told them that it really upsets me and makes me want to take to my bed or to booze. X

  • Jean posted a new activity comment 7 years, 8 months ago

    Hi alcohol has always been a part of our life too. I binge drink and enjoy going out with my friends. My partner has a couple of drinks a night after work. He also goes to the local pub and has a few with his mates once a week. He does not worry. He is fine with it. I want to change my drinking habbits. However I still want to have fun withy friends too. X

  • Jean posted a new activity comment 7 years, 8 months ago

    Hi, I have not yet been to an AA meeting. Ihave wanted to cut down on booze for years. Stopping for good would be best because if I can tell myself I can only have a few then I obsess about it. I have a normal family party to go to this coming weekend. I will not drink. I hope I can still dance, giggle , and enjoy myself without having alcohol.…[Read more]

    • Hi, I have not yet been to an AA meeting. Ihave wanted to cut down on booze for years. Stopping for good would be best because if I can tell myself I can only have a few then I obsess about it. I have a normal family party to go to this coming weekend. I will not drink. I hope I can still dance, giggle , and enjoy myself without having alcohol.…[Read more]

  • Jean became a registered member 7 years, 8 months ago


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active 7 years, 8 months ago