Joanne posted a new activity comment 7 years, 3 months ago
Hi Lucy! I love that name. 🙂 Glad you are here and welcome to the family. There are up to 5 meetings on this site every day, along with some great people helping each other through recovery. Lots of resources, too, like articles, and other information. Please join the meetings in the chat room, which also serves a place to share and provide…[Read more]
Joanne posted a new activity comment 7 years, 3 months ago
Hello Dara ! Glad you are here and welcome to the family. There are up to 5 meetings on this site every day, along with some great people helping each other through recovery. Lots of resources, too, like articles, and other information. Please join the meetings in the chat room, which also serves a place to share and provide support (and ask…[Read more]
Joanne posted a new activity comment 7 years, 3 months ago
Delia! Glad you are here and welcome to the family. There are up to 5 meetings on this site every day, along with some great people helping each other through recovery. Lots of resources, too, like articles, and other information. Please join the meetings in the chat room, which also serves a place to share and provide support (and ask questions)…[Read more]
Joanne posted a new activity comment 7 years, 3 months ago
Hello! Glad you are here and welcome to the family. There are up to 5 meetings on this site every day, along with some great people helping each other through recovery. Lots of resources, too, like articles, and other information. Please join the meetings in the chat room, which also serves a place to share and provide support (and ask questions)…[Read more]
Joanne posted a new activity comment 7 years, 3 months ago
Hi Orlagh! Glad you are here and welcome to the family. There are up to 5 meetings on this site every day, along with some great people helping each other through recovery. Lots of resources, too, like articles, and other information. Please join the meetings in the chat room, which also serves a place to share and provide support (and ask…[Read more]
Joanne posted a new activity comment 7 years, 3 months ago
Hey Dan! Glad you are here and welcome to the family. There are up to 5 meetings on this site every day, along with some great people helping each other through recovery. Lots of resources, too, like articles, and other information. Please join the meetings in the chat room, which also serves a place to share and provide support (and ask…[Read more]
Joanne replied to the topic fear of failure, lack of confidence, self loathing in the forum Group Forums 7 years, 3 months ago
When I went to my first meeting, I was terrified and filled with self-loathing. One of the first things they told me is “We will love you until you can love yourself.” The people were so loving, compassionate, and friendly, I wished I hadn’t waited so long to get there. I kept going back and slowly, but surely, I started to love…[Read more]
Joanne replied to the topic fear of failure, lack of confidence, self loathing in the forum Group Forums 7 years, 3 months ago
Glad you are here and welcome to the family. There are up to 5 meetings here every day and at all other times, it serves as an open chat room for sharing and support. Please come back because thing thing works and we need you here to help keep the rest of us sober. It gets better and easier, but you have to work at it. Like Brad…[Read more]
Joanne posted a new activity comment 7 years, 3 months ago
Asterli, Glad you are here and welcome to the family. There are up to 5 meetings here every day and at all other times, it serves as an open chat room for sharing and support. Please come back because thing thing works and we need you here to help keep the rest of us sober.
Joanne posted a new activity comment 7 years, 3 months ago
Hey Cathie! Glad you are here and welcome to the family! You may have noticed this site has up to 5 meetings a day and plenty of helpful information. When a meeting is not in session, it serves as a 24/7 chat room for sharing and support. Let us know if you have any questions or if you need help finding face to face meetings (where the magic…[Read more]
Joanne replied to the topic Surviving after the storm in the forum
Women in Recovery Forums 7 years, 3 months ago
I love what Sara said about “being in my own way.” It takes most of us a long time to figure that out. The good news is that this program works if you work it. There are up to 5 meetings a day on this site, and don’t forget face to face meetings where the real magic happens. Life in AA gets better and easier, just one day at a time, so don’t…[Read more]
Joanne replied to the topic Looking for an online sponser in the forum
Women in Recovery Forums 7 years, 3 months ago
Most people in AA find a sponsor at a face to face meeting in their local area. I don’t know many people who have an on line sponsor, and the face to face one provides more accountability, is always there when you need them, etc. Hope that helps.
Joanne replied to the topic Do I have a problem? Feeling lost in the forum
Women in Recovery Forums 7 years, 3 months ago
Ladies, you sound like I felt when I first got here. I was mad that I could not drink like a normal person. Then, I realized that a normal person had 1 or drinks. Well, that was the craziest thing I’d ever heard of. What is the point if you can only have 1 or 2? At that point, I knew that I could not control my drinking. It was an all or…[Read more]
Joanne posted a new activity comment 7 years, 3 months ago
Hey Kati, I tried to reply to your comment, but the site would not let me. I hope you come back because this thing works. I first went to face to face meetings and I loved the first non-smoking one I went to. So I kept going back and heard about other meetings close by, so I go to couple different locations. A year and a half after I started,…[Read more]
Hi Joanne, I appreciate you responding to whatever it is I had commented earlier in the year. I did actually go to some groups and was met with an even more horrific experience. It just so happened that someone my boyfriend had hired to work in our home was also attending meetings which apparently he went home and told his wife all about. He…[Read more]
Joanne posted a new activity comment 7 years, 3 months ago
I have so missed you; glad to see you back. You still going to CO?
Joanne posted a new activity comment 7 years, 3 months ago
Glad you’re here and welcome to the family! We have up to 5 closed (people with a desire to stop drinking) meetings here every day. Let us know if you need help finding face to face meetings (where the real magic happens) in your local area. Keep coming back. This thing works.
Joanne posted a new activity comment 7 years, 3 months ago
Glad you’re here and welcome to the family! We have up to 5 closed (people with a desire to stop drinking) meetings here every day. Let us know if you need help finding face to face meetings (where the real magic happens) in your local area. Keep coming back. This thing works.
Joanne posted a new activity comment 7 years, 3 months ago
Glad you’re here and welcome to the family! We have up to 5 closed (people with a desire to stop drinking) meetings here every day. Let us know if you need help finding face to face meetings (where the real magic happens) in your local area. Keep coming back. This thing works.
Joanne posted a new activity comment 7 years, 3 months ago
Glad you’re here and welcome to the family! We have up to 5 closed (people with a desire to stop drinking) meetings here every day. Let us know if you need help finding face to face meetings (where the real magic happens) in your local area. Keep coming back. This thing works.
Joanne posted a new activity comment 7 years, 3 months ago
Glad you’re here and welcome to the family! We have up to 5 closed (people with a desire to stop drinking) meetings here every day. Let us know if you need help finding face to face meetings (where the real magic happens) in your local area. Keep coming back. This thing works.
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