♥️♥️ Beth♥️♥️ and
jay are now friends 7 years, 3 months ago
Beth replied to the topic Rock bottom just keeps getting deeper in the forum
Women in Recovery Forums 7 years, 3 months ago
Kay, I just saw your posting. I wasn’t on this site when you posted it. I didn’t come until May 16, and it took me a long time to figure out these forums and groups. I am reaching out to you to see if you are okay, and if you need any help. Please come back and let us know how we can help you. You are important. You matter. I’m sorry it…[Read more]
Beth replied to the topic Do I have a problem? Feeling lost in the forum
Women in Recovery Forums 7 years, 3 months ago
I am now almost seven months sober. I noticed the question I had, above, for Lola. This was my first day on this site, May 16, 2017. I had just gotten out of detox on Sunday the fourteenth, and I was very serious about recovering. I had gone to the IOP and the one available psychiatrist in our county on Monday, and so Tuesday was the first day…[Read more]
Beth replied to the topic Shame: As women we sit in shame…how do we move past it? in the forum
Women in Recovery Forums 7 years, 3 months ago
Beth, it has been about 15 months since you wrote that post. I am interested in knowing how you are doing, and how you have been able to move past it.
I guess in my drinking days I usually dealt with shame by hiding it or denying it. When I went through Step Four I found I had to (and actually wanted to) face it. That really helped me move…[Read more]
Beth replied to the topic Looking for an online sponser in the forum
Women in Recovery Forums 7 years, 3 months ago
Heather, there is now a heading under the “meetings” tab on this site where you can request an online sponsor. I don’t know how it works, but give it a try!
Beth replied to the topic Looking for online sponsor in the forum
Women in Recovery Forums 7 years, 3 months ago
There is now a heading under the “meetings” tab where you can request an online sponsor through this site. I don’t really know how it works. I just filled out the form. It’s worth a try!
Beth replied to the topic What do you keepin your recovery tool belt? in the forum
Women in Recovery Forums 7 years, 3 months ago
Thank you Myshoe for your list of tools. What a good list! I can also add my journal to my list. I take it with me to every AA meeting, because I sometimes get good insights I don’t want to lose track of, and people often say little quips or make references to sources I want to get down. My other main tool is my computer, because it is my…[Read more]
Beth replied to the topic Hey everyone I'm looking for a sponsor in the forum
Women in Recovery Forums 7 years, 3 months ago
Hey, Krystal!
There is also a heading under meetings for online sponsorship, and there is a form there that you can fill out to ask for an online sponsor. I agree strongly with Joanne that the best place to get a sponsor is your face-to-face group, but this is a second option if the first is impossible.
Welcome to the Women’s Forum! Thanks for…[
♥️♥️ Beth♥️♥️ and
Jean M. are now friends 7 years, 3 months ago
I only just discovered a few minutes ago that I had a message from you, so sorry about the delay in responding. Not sure how to work the site, but will learn. Jean.
You’re doing great! YOu know more about it already than some of us do!
Thanks for your notes. Hope the woman is OK?
We may never know.
As you say, so true.
I was impressed by how you and Twoshoe handled it. Still wonder if it was a prank? Particularly after the reaction when it became clear the two of you were ready to go to any lengths to help – if possible- and the communication ceased when asked for the city?
It’s much easier for me to ‘read’ the body/emotions face…[Read more]
♥️♥️ Beth♥️♥️ and
Josh D are now friends 7 years, 3 months ago
♥️♥️ Beth♥️♥️ and
Jennie are now friends 7 years, 3 months ago
♥️♥️ Beth♥️♥️ and
Marissa are now friends 7 years, 3 months ago
♥️♥️ Beth♥️♥️ and
Kevin L are now friends 7 years, 3 months ago
Beth started the topic How does your recovery mesh with your Christianity? in the forum
Christian Recovery Forums 7 years, 3 months ago
Just like I have found it a bit difficult to be in recovery and not talk about my Christianity, I have also found it a bit difficult to be a Christian and not talk about my alcoholism recovery. I know there is one woman in one of my face-to-face groups who passionately speaks about how important it is for her to keep them separate–not so for me.…[Read more]
♥️♥️ Beth♥️♥️ and
J.D. from Colorado, USA are now friends 7 years, 3 months ago
♥️♥️ Beth♥️♥️ and
Lou are now friends 7 years, 3 months ago
♥️♥️ Beth♥️♥️ and
Jason are now friends 7 years, 4 months ago
♥️♥️ Beth♥️♥️ and
John C are now friends 7 years, 4 months ago
Beth posted an update in the group
Women in Recovery Group 7 years, 4 months ago
Nov 13, 2017: I have an all-day workshop today and there is no wifi in the building where it’s being held. If anyone could chair the noon women’s meeting for me I would greatly appreciate it. The meeting is in the chatroom. Thank you very much indeed!
♥️♥️ Beth♥️♥️ and
Joe are now friends 7 years, 4 months ago
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